
Welcome to my (James Barrett's) personal website. I initially simply had a passing interest in learning web design & hadn't planned on keeping the site up for too long. Then I found I had more & more small uses for a website; hosting a Moodle server and whatnot. Over time the site started to act as a repository for my projects, interests & hobbies, becoming somewhat of a personal blog. To be blunt; Yes, this site is 100% vanity publication 🙈. My fields of interest are quite varied so this site may feel somewhat incoherent but there are some distinct categories I often gravitate towards; Games both digital & tabletop boardgames, software development, computer networks, computer security, robotics & more recently I have found myself being attracted to delivering & developing educational content. Most of the content in this section is for my own private use although that said anyone who is interested in the material they are of course welcome. You will find that most of the material is marked with CC licences; more policies, see Policies. Please review this If you do intend to use any of this material for your own purposes. On the left-hand side You should see a simple navigation bar menu, to help you in exploring the site I will outline below what can be found in each section.

Projects & Resources Here's where you will find a list of small projects & resources I have cobbled together either, Just for fun, as part of the course I was doing, or some kind of voluntary work, it's all here. Most likely this will be your first port of call. Most projects will fall into their own subdomain. I've done this to add a little bit of method to the madness. Please feel free to browse and review anything you find interesting. After browsing the projects, please feel free to suggest any project you think I should attempt next (or collaborate on).

Upcoming Events Here's where you will find any upcoming events such as coder dojo's, game jams, homework clubs, D&D, live streams or just about anything else that I plan to do. If you are interested in joining you will find something like a eventbrite link next to the description. Also, please feel free to make any suggestions for events, or if you have an upcoming event you think I may be able to help with, be sure to let me know.

special thanks We all need a little help from time to time; this page is to give credit where credit is due & to give my hartfelt thanks to anyone or any organisation that has helped me.

Cool Sites there are some really amazing people out there doing tremendous works and making really awesome & important stuff. Here's where you'll find a link to a few sites that I think everyone should know about, and this is my little way of trying to make that happen (so,..."Bump" I guess).

Moodle It is quite possible you found the site while trying to access my personal Moodle server If you click here you will be redirected accordingly. Then just login and work away on the appropriate course; you have a login but are interested in accessing the resources to free to reach out to me.

About If you're curious about my education career or anything else, this is the place for you. You will find just a little bit of information about myself and via social media so and what not. (Plus, what's the point of having a vanity website, If I'm not going to talk about myself 😊)